Twistpad has special macros, called Keyboard Macros.
Keyboard macros recording repetitive keyboard tasks, which later, or after recording, can be playback a specified number of times.
After pressing the Record command from the Tools \ Keyboard Macros menu, the mouse cursor will change to contain a tape image, this means your
key actions are being recorded. press the keys you would like to record in the macro, and stop the recording by clicking again on the recording button.
Twistpad will prompt for the name of the macro. If you cancel at this time, the macro will not be saved, Enter the new macro name and
optionally a description and press OK.
To playback, again select in Playback in Tools \ Keyboard Macros menu. Select the macro you wish to use specifying how many times you would like to
repeat the macro. If you choose "until end of document" the macro will be repeated until it reachs the last line of the document. press OK.
You cancel a playback at any time pressing the Escape key.
Temporary macros
Optionally you can Record a temporary macro using the respective command. The only difference, is that when the recording is stoped, Twistpad will
not prompt for save the macro. You can quickly playback using the Play Temporary Macro Command or using the normal Playback Macro command, ensuring
the macro to record is the temporary.
File Details
Macro Files are stored in the "Current User folder"\Application Data\Carthago\Twistpad\Macros folder.
This files should not be edited, but can be deleted in order to remove old macros not in use anymore.
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